The Family Section.

Portraits for life.

Hi! Although our work mostly focuses on destination weddings in Costa Rica (, we also love capturing ​lively portraits of families. Hence, "The Family Section".

Our goal is to photograph fun, genuine and organic portraits of people having fun​, in our beautiful Costa Rica. We look for the silly, the subtle, but mostly the real essence of the human in front of our eyes. 

We are based out of Playa Grande, Guanacaste. This is the beach just north of Tamarindo and also the area where we shoot most of our work.

2024 - Price List

Prices + 13% IVA Tax.

Family Photos

$650 - 1 hour shoot

01 / 185

Engagement photos

$850 - 2 hour shoot

01 / 90

Special Events

$350 per hour

01 / 72

Senior Portraits

$550 - 1 hour

01 / 43

Fashion Catalogs

With quote only.

01 / 84

How many photos do we get?

We normally deliver 50- 100 photos per hour of shooting. All photos are properly selected and edited before delivery.

Although the final amount of photos will depend on the performance of the subjects, in essence, we give you an unlimited amount of photos, meaning, all the photos that are worth having, you will get with 100% certainty.

How do we do this?

Once you select a package of your interest, you tell us where you are staying, we suggest an exact date & location for the shoot and then we program a start time.

How should we dress?

It is completely unimportant to us what you dress. We only care that you like what you are wearing and that you show up with your loved ones. Everything else will fall into place.

Should we bring props?

If you have some that are meaningful to you, yes, absolutely. Specially toys and cool hats are always great, but it can be anything of your personal interest and value. If you don't have or care about props, that is not a problem at all.

Are there travel fees?

Any location in or near Tamarindo, Pinilla, Playa Grande or Las Calatinas will incur in no additional costs. All other locations are subject to travel fees.

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